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Help Fund the Fight to End the War on Drugs


For decades, the so-called "War on Drugs" has destroyed lives, torn families apart, and given the government unchecked power to control and criminalize millions. But now, for the first time in history, real change is within reach.


Attorney Jennifer Murphey has spent all her savings, her retirement, and countless hours researching, writing, and filing a landmark lawsuit that exposes decades of unlawful government actions. By herself and on her own initiative, she has taken on the U.S., DEA, FDA, HHS, and the State of Arizona in a case that has more potential than anything before it to finally bring an end to this unjust war and free us all. 


Jennifer has dedicated her entire life to this cause, standing up for the most basic human rights of all of us. She created this lawsuit out of pure love for humanity, and her courage to independently challenge such a powerful system and threaten a trillion dollar industry is nothing short of inspiring. Although she gives her time, energy and resources with great honor, she has done so without compensation. Now, she needs our help.


Why This Matters Now


Jennifer’s case is currently in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, with oral argument scheduled for April 1st. The outcome of this hearing will be critical. Afterwards, the case will likely move to the U.S. Supreme Court—marking the most significant challenge to the War on Drugs in history.


We Need Jennifer Focused on the Fight—Not on Finding a Way to Pay Bills


Jennifer has exhausted every financial resource she had to bring this case forward.  It has been more than a full-time job for her to research decades of domestic and international records, create unprecedented arguments, and learn how to draft and file such a significant lawsuit. Now, she needs support so she can remain dedicated to this fight—full-time, without distraction.


Jennifer has supported herself from an early age, put herself through law school, volunteered at homeless shelters, and has always been willing to financially support family when needed. She did not hesitate to use all of her small amount of savings and retirement to do this and put her future on the line. She deserves our support for all she has done for us.

Your donation will:


✔️ Cover litigation costs and Jennifer's legal efforts as the case moves forward

✔️ Help with essential living expenses so she can focus solely on the case and her mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing

✔️ Ensure that this fight for justice continues, undeterred


This Is Our Chance—Together, We Can End the War on Drugs


If you or someone you love has been affected by the War on Drugs—or if you believe in justice and human rights—this is the moment to act. Jennifer has taken this as far as she can on her own. Now, she needs us.


Every dollar brings all of us closer to the day when millions of lives are no longer destroyed by unlawful government intrusion. Donate now, share your voice, and be part of history.

All donations not only help with the extensive costs this has incurred, but it helps me to know I am supported and not alone on this long and challenging road. ​I am deeply grateful to everyone who energetically supports, financially supports, or simply believes in this cause. I mean it when I say that I truly could not do this without belief and support.

With deep love and gratitude, Jennifer 

Donate using any of the following:

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Venmo:  @DecrimOurMinds


CashApp: $DecrimOurMinds


Please contact me if you would like to donate using an alternative method or donate items other than cash.

Donor Voices

I want every single one of you to know that you are not alone. The so-called War on Drugs affects everyone in unique ways. When donating please feel free to include a message about what this means to you, how you or those you care about have been affected, or anything you want to share. Reading your stories truly helps to fuel my passion to keep going strong with this. 


I am compiling messages and stories and will share them on the webpage, with your consent. ​


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